Skofnung's avatar
Your interpretation is the one that is weird.  It's pretty damn obvious that the pigs represent lecherous males.  Why else would it be set on a subway, perhaps the place where molesters are most prolific?  The picture is symbolic of women who are stared at and objectified by "pigs".
lynucs's avatar
Sigh, you are lost as a bat on this, I will not entertain this 3yo mentality of yours.
applespank's avatar
It pretty obviously represents dangerous men. It even references danger in the description, and you seemed to have completely overlooked their expressions? And her exposed skin? And the colors? And everything else?

(FYI pigs have been a symbol of threat throughout history. Animal Farm, anyone? Piggies = cops? In Christian symbolism, it represents sloth and greed. Be aware of what you're commenting on before you claim others have a "3yo mentality"...)