Comment on I Shall Be Late by katetak

warmfuzzyninja's avatar
Oh my gosh--I saw the thumbnail for this and immediately thought of Svankmajer! (For some reason I thought the skull was his scissors, but I definitely recognize those chompers now.) I watched the movie in my children's lit/film class this last semester and wrote a paper about it... it was certainly a disturbingly interesting film. o_O Very well done psychologically/symbolically (the ending was very creepily awesome), but the "...said [blank]" close-ups every five seconds drove me a little crazy... although that might very well have been Svankmajer's intent. :P
katetak's avatar
Well, this was the first Svankmajer movie I have ever seen and I loved it. The close up of the mouth surprisingly didn't bug me as much as I thought it would.