MumblingIdiot's avatar
That is basically how I approach it. Though my tutors have expressed concerns that it may be counter productive to achieving a 'recognisable style'. Which would make life much easier, but I'm not sure I want one! I just want some kind of recognisable essence that can carry through various styles and approaches.
laresistance's avatar
I don't know, I've always tried to work towards a recognisable own style. I always thought that's a pretty hard and big achievement, especially nowadays. But I like your description, "a recognisable essence". I don't think it's necessarily counter productive. An own "style" develops all of the time ( at least that's what I think it should do), and perhaps then it comes close to this essence.
the quest is never over. when you're satisfied with your work and think: this is it, you've failed, because you have to keep on looking, experimenting, etc.
abstract stuff to talk about :)