Comment on Undine by lanitta

RoseOakMoon's avatar
This. Is beautiful work. I happened upon your gallery due to you being featured (with another picture) on the daily deviations. And as it is my habit to peek through folders when such things catch my eye, I found this.

Now, much of your other work, particularly that involving figures whose proportions are exaggerated in length, wasn't really to my fancy. Don't get me wrong. I am insulting neither you nor the art itself, but we each have our preferences in beauty. But this!

You've taken a simple concept, that of the water nymph, and brought her to life. I adore the lighting in her hair and the way you've made it seem to flow in gentle waves rather than simply fall. Your palette is also lovely, in that you've picked the gentle greens and pale pinks to break into the more present shades of blue.

All in all... amazing.
lanitta's avatar