Comment on Homeworld by Exhale-NL

klbt's avatar
I see you rendered some new things and also no or special textures.
The way how you creat depth in this piece is magnificant as always.
I'm getting the point of your lighting more and more but still i'm not realy into it...(lol).
A new sort of color: blue...nothing against it..just it's blue everywhere..some colorabuse would be cool..but that's just my opinion..don't get stuck on that.
I just dislike the way how you did the title this time...for me (and i think for other art-people to..) you were amazing in creating titles on your own positive way!
I don't see any silhoutte this time...pretty bad (for me)..but i can come into it if you're saying this is something different like early works.
I'm afforting you a :+fav: , not because i want to be your "best friend" or some kind of "ass-licking"-shit, but because your a great artist and like always..your inspiring me.
Exhale-NL's avatar
thanks m8. About the colors: there are more colors than just blue. Around the focal it's a bit more greenish. I wanted to keep it one color-tone because that's more realistic. About the title: I put it there because it's a wallpaper. If you use it as a wallpaper, you don't see the typo anymore :). And last thing about the silhouette (or however you have to spell it :D): I tried that but it didn't work out properly. It wouldn't add anything special in this piece so I decided not to do it.

Anyways, thanks for the comment and fav mate :)