Souvernir's avatar
Derbyshire ^^
Kezzi-Rose's avatar
Ohh, my friend used to live there~
She's completely lost the accent now. :'D
I'm all the way down in Gloucestershire~ c:
Souvernir's avatar
:D I love it in Gloucestershire :heart: I went there last year
Kezzi-Rose's avatar
Ooh, really? 8D
Did you go to see an attraction or visit relatives? c:

I'm in the Forest of Dean, it's kind of... mental. xDD
Souvernir's avatar
<sup.No I went to stay with some friends and we mainly stayed there :/ I would love to go to the forest of Dean though it looks really nice there :)
Kezzi-Rose's avatar
Yus, it is very naice! Especially in Autumn when everything's gold~ c: