Kethrian's avatar
Ah, the blonde Jill is back! I wonder what torments she's going to face inside?
CallMePlisskin's avatar
She sure is. As long as RE5 Mercenaries keeps me shouting for joy or swearing at it like a docker with turets syndrome, I can't get enough.

As for inside the show, I was thinking Dungeon Room then Bob Room? I'm open to suggestions on 2 of 3 but I want to show off the Bob set piece.
Kethrian's avatar
Sounds like some good choices to me. Skip the stage room because it's been visited the most so far.
CallMePlisskin's avatar
Yeah, I like that one but the new rooms are exciting. I'm thinking evil robot in the Dungeon depths for Jill pt 2.
Kethrian's avatar
Good choice. There's always that extra terror when the antagonist can't empathize with it's victims.
CallMePlisskin's avatar
Yeah, I definitely agree. Like the whole Christian Bale Mum-punching thing. *shudder*
CallMePlisskin's avatar
*sigh* That's some damn fine banter.