InvaderJhonn95's avatar
You people always ignore that capitalism has helped many great civilisations for almost 10,000 years.
GunnerTheGreat's avatar
It's a unavoidable bi-product of a valuesystem. Please let us discuss and consider if it is that great instead of throwing useless informations in. In some ways even monarchy(Also a bi-product) helped us formate as big nations, but it's not that good anymore. It is only important if it's good for the the future, not if it were in the past.
InvaderJhonn95's avatar
That's it, huh? That's all you've got? Primitive capitalism kept the Mesopatamians working. It kept the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Holy Roman Empire, Medici, Hapsburgs, British Empire, Napoleonic Empire, Ottoman Empire, and of course, the United States of America in order. Capitalism naturally lends itself to efficiency by allowing the strong to thrive and the weak to wallow. In socialism or similar systems, the weak keep the strong from fulfilling their destiny.
GunnerTheGreat's avatar
No, socialism have been proved great for Europe. Socialism is about helping the work-class to equality. Don't look at those old civilizations(The most DID'NT made it to the day today). Americans are for some reason thinking the same about nazism as communism, just like the think good guys with guns always are stronger than bad guys with guns.
PrincessElemix's avatar
It's so great that half of Europe is very poor now?
stupidsongs2's avatar
Capitalism does encourage efficiency, assuming every child is able to start out with a roughly equivalent levels of resources at their disposal. However, when there is an imbalance of resources, some are cast in a permanent cycle of poverty simply because they will never be able to reach a level of wealth in their entire lives where they can attempt to succeed. As a result, there are people among us who may have the chemical makeup in their brain to see the solutions for the future of mankind; however, their potential is never realized, simply because they were born to a poverty stricken family, and never had the opportunity to thrive.
kombinath's avatar
If you knew anything about history, you would comprehend:

1.: There's nothing naturaly at capitalism at all. Capitalism is the most unhuman form of society and economy ever; 'unhuman' meant in terms of 'human' as describing the man as a being which differs from animals.

2.: Capitalism, in whatsoever form, just exists since ~200 years.

3.: What keeps you working in capitalism is the lash of the rich, mainly in the form of money and bureaucracy.

4.: There hasn't been socialism yet. What was blown away in the czardom wasn't capitalism, and what was 'revolutionized' in the USSR wasn't socialism at all.

For a simple understanding of what capitalism means nower days, just watch this film.

PS: It's 'Habsburg'.

PPS: I'm sorry for any misspellings.
GunnerTheGreat's avatar
Exactly, communism(Government type) and socialism(Democratic ideologic opinion) are two different things. Some guys(Americans) just don't get that.
Eirikr-inn-raudda's avatar
Excellent points made right there.
InvaderJhonn95's avatar
I'm not going to try and disdain any of those points because they're all emotionally based. You silly little commies fall back on bitching about capitalism rather than proving the merits of communism. Not once did you guys ever say what was good about communism, but rather you ramble on and on and on and on about "the lash of the rich" and other ephemeral terms.

"PPS: I'm sorry for any misspellings."

"PS: It's 'Habsburg'."

You just admitted you couldn't spell, and then you told me I was spelling wrong. If you were any dumber I'd have to water you twice a week. And explain to me how the strong devouring the weak is "unnatural", or, in your native tongue, "duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh". And nowhere in nature have I ever seen the weak rising above the strong. And keep in mind strength is not necessarily physical. You could learn a lot from good ol' Adam Smith.
kombinath's avatar
"My rifle is the only one who understands me."
Yeah, I really believe you.

And oh, thank you, I emediatley changed my weltanschauung back to a one which declares the old Egyptians to capitalists.

I bet your skills in foreign languages are not anywhere near mine, which is why I just laugh about how narrow most of those people from the country are which tortures it's enemies in a brutal campaign, bringing war, pain and suffer to the whole world, not even being able to realize that it's one grave has already been digged. In 100 years, nobody will give a damn F*** on the USA which then are on the same list as the Nazis for being a shame for humanity. Over and out.
InvaderJhonn95's avatar
"which then are on the same list as the Nazis"

I was yanking your chain when I said the egyptians were capitalist. I was really just trying to get you to invoke Godwin's law, which you just did by comparing the USA to the third reich. You did everything I wanted you to.
kombinath's avatar
I'm truly AMAZED how you argumentized me into the ground. Gosh, by InvaderJhonn95!
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