Comment on Damascus Blade by Riddle1

TojiX's avatar
Originally called Gunm in Japan but made no sense for the American execs in Viz w/c is why they changed it to Battle Angel Alita. You look so cool its like a page from the manga came to life.
Riddle1's avatar
Yeah I love the manga, I just wish it would come out faster. And actually be finished.
TojiX's avatar
w/c do you mean? the first volume, the version your cosplaying has been over for sometime. I dont know about the second volume though but yeah I need to get my hands on that as well.
Riddle1's avatar
oh I mean last order, thats still ongoing.
TojiX's avatar
uh yeah Ganmu Rasuto Ōdā I think it went on Hiatus after the 100th installment. Censorship issues about some profanity in the dialogue. Love that version too (hint hint) anyway your kick ass w/ that Damascus blade and as Alita ^^.
Riddle1's avatar
Well there is last order series.. where she has a tail o.O