darazan's avatar
Do you seal it inside and out with the acrylic Super Shene or just on the painted side? If you didn't seal it on the inside, would there be an issue with warping due to sweat transfer while wearing it or does having even just the bodysuit underneath prevent that?

Very fantastic tutorial, and I love that it's specifically WoW-related because it really helps me with my ideas for making a demonform costume and how that can be accomplished. 
OrangeMoose's avatar
I am glad it helped you! Though the robe was heavy and I did sweat a tad, it was nowhere near enough to go through the dress fabric. I only sealed the front. If I were to paint/dye the back, I would have sealed it.
darazan's avatar
I worry about things warping since I know how much leather costs and I've dealt with leather warping before, so it's good to know that it wouldn't be an issue. Thank you so much for answering my questions! I really appreciate the help.
OrangeMoose's avatar
No prob. =) I am not super experienced though. I am sure heavy rain can cause warping. In your experience what caused the leather to warp? I think it would be good for me to know in the future, hehe.
darazan's avatar
Sweat transfer, probably by wearing it directly against my skin. I later found out that I shouldn't do that. :P