Comment on GHOST OPERA by intano

HaloBungie's avatar
She has opened the Third Eye...
...and let me tell you our secret:
The truth transforms a mortal man into an immortal spiritual being.
The truth: You now know “the truth” part of the truth and life. There are only five fundamental things you need to know, and they are the following:

1. Our true history.
2. You are immortal.

3. Everything will balance.
4. You are a spiritual being.
5. The present is everything.

If you die as an human, you are reborn as an human. If you die as a spiritual being, you are reborn as a spiritual being, so it is important to become one.

Ghosts: Spirits do not live without a physical body of one kind or another. Ghosts or disembodied spirits that talk to people and haunt houses do not exist. If there were ghosts where people die, every hospital would be haunted.