alphamalezulu4's avatar
two things... first off... I saw this over at comicartfans and I'm doing now what I did then... just sitting with my mouth open trying to figure out how you do this work. Sitting in awe and while studying there's a breaking point where I just sit and enjoy. Great job as usually Chris.

Secondly... if you'd like to make the © sign it's really easy (in the event you didn't know) just hold the ALT key and on your number pad type 0169 (after you type the 9 then you can release the alt key)
ChristopherStevens's avatar
Thanks for both! I didn't know that hehe...though I just tried it and it didn't work:( ©..wait there it is! Nice, thank you much.
alphamalezulu4's avatar
ha ha, it takes a few times to get it to work. I tried for 3 minutes one time, non stop lol. Sometimes I have to do it twice, even now.

You're most welcome man!
If you use the same method you can get;
™ 0153
® 0174

I know I should use those for some of the characters I draw... but to be honest... I just don't wanna. lol