Kipporah's avatar
Are saying this isn't a photograph?
DeepChrome's avatar
Yes. It was made in a program called Terragen, which is for 3D landscape renderings.

Really good artists--and I'm not there yet with this program--can make a landscape look frighteningly like a photo. I just got lucky with the way this one came together so well. :nod: Yes, I was aiming for something like this, but you know, it could've gone much worse.
Kipporah's avatar
Oh wow! I didn't know there was such a program! I'm not computer literate, LOL
DeepChrome's avatar
You seem literate enough if you can browse and comment on DA. ;)
Kipporah's avatar
Yeah, I suppose your right. I'm just not THAT computer literate then. I don't really know if I want to be either. I get headaches sitting in front of screens of any kind for too long so I don't really want to get into digital art so much.
DeepChrome's avatar
Have you tried fiddling with the screen's brightness settings and resolution?

Sometimes screens at low resolution with high brightness can be extremely painful to look at.