MumblingIdiot's avatar
Haha thanks. Yeah I really like to fill that picture plane up in a challenging way.

Yeah, will do, hopefully. Though who knows! Everything seems so sporadic and spread out right now. Do we even have 'studio days' any more?
Jasika's avatar
I know exactly what you mean, it's strange having all this time away from the studio (even though we *should* be working on projects/dissertation in that time). While it's a lot easier to just work from home and go in whenever we have tutorials or crits (which I presume is our scheduled studio time), the absence of a routine like we had last year (ha!) doesn't exactly help with the whole productivity thing.

Did you have your tutorial yesterday or today? Glad we have Jemma again, the Dave guy's okay but he doesn't really know us or what we actually do.
Cya..whenever, I suppose. Haha, it really is strange not having a set studio day :/
MumblingIdiot's avatar
I had Jemma last Thursday and had Dave today. Yeah, it's more like he's just a reporter to Andy Selby to make sure everyone's vaguely on track. In fact they both just kind of took notes and that's about it.
Jasika's avatar
Haha it is slightly worrying, considering we have about ten minutes a week of tutor time.. and did you get the 'don't email me unless you're dying' speech from Jemma? I was in the group before yours last Thursday, she did the whole note-taking thing and gave the occasional feedback.
Heh, and Dave barely knew what we're supposed to be doing the week before. Still not sure why we have him.. Surely for final year we'd need someone who kinda knows us and a little something about this illustration lark? :P
MumblingIdiot's avatar
Yeah she did give us that speech.

I know, it's pretty ridiculous really. I walked out of my Dave metting and Selby's in the meeting room with all the graphic students! What the hell?
Jasika's avatar
>__< We were neglected in favour of <graphics students>?! *scoffs* Bollocks to that! :P