ExNoctem's avatar
Yeah I know, there's no reason for why she shouldn't be able to be cute, but still. I can almost smell the blood soaked mud under her shoes, then again, that's from Black Lagoon, and Revy's definetly got a cute side.
Hanci6's avatar
:DBut she can't be that brutal all the time, can she? So when nobody's watching her, she takes her agressive mask down and have this face:D...

I didn't know you faved this "cute" Rubi! Thank you:)
ExNoctem's avatar
Of course I favourited it. As I said, it's good, even if it gives me strange feelings of controversity (or something). I agree with you, she can't be brutal all the time, but I thnk she looks almost... loving? Understanding and warm, and I have serious problems trying to picture Rubi with a personality like that.
Hanci6's avatar
You're right. And I'm sorry.
But my excuse is that I haven't playied the game:D... (although I know what is it about and how agressive Rubi is)
ExNoctem's avatar
Then I recomend you getting over to your nearest dealer and get your hands on it. Somewhat hard, but fun (At some points you get new weapons other than the sword and pistols, I recomend you not moving further in the game until you've gotten a gold medal in the training sessions with these).

And by the way:
"You can refuse to talk and I will slowly cut you up and drop you peice by peice into the bay, or you can talk and I will end your life quickly and somewhat painless"
- Rubi Malone