alexwarlorn's avatar
" i've read, is that they're enforced"

A society without rules is just a school of fish, and a without penalties for breaking those rules, you lose half of encouragement. Look at what happened with communism!

Perhaps Sally was too scared of becoming like Robonik to bring down the hammer when it needed to be brought down to bring her fellow machines in line to obey as -machines- should.

And Sally, having fought her entire life for the freedom of mobians to have their own choices, didn't realize that unless an individual is willing to let part of the individual die, then the whole can not live. That's what the sense of unity from culture IS! Sally would violently reject these answers thinking that all the opposing pieces would fit together ON THEIR OWN.

It's also possible that while they kept their freedom of will and emotions, they tried TOO HARD to continue life as was, not realizing that their new existence as machines would require them to adjust their culture, which they might violently refused to do even though it could no longer function the way it had when they were flesh and blood.

And yes, everyone DOES try to impose their own views, it's human nature, we'd be living in cubicles typing to each other if we didn't.

And 9 is a good movie comparison to this since the nine rag dolls have to figure out how to survive after the end of the age of man.

Some wars are fought over ideology, others are fought over resources.

The ultimate joke is that robians perhaps CAN reproduce (since the robotocizer was supposed to make a techno twin to ALL their internal organs) but THINK they can't, so they don't.
NMac1983's avatar
Ahhh! Now there's a tragedy.

Robotnik uses Chuck's roboticizer technology to turn Mobians into Robotic slaves. Sally and the freedom fighters vanquish Robotnik only to discover their world's ecosystem is beyond repair. Remaining Mobians use a modified Roboticizer technology to transform their species into intelligent, emotionally adept, machines. The utopia that is raised reigns for a time, all is well. Dissidence begins to spread, conflict erupts. Sally, a leader figure, is unable to resolve the conflict with peaceful means. She is then faced with the dilemma of choosing between taking away her people's free will by using violence to maintain order, or letting them choose in a more democratic way. Out of fear that she would become like Robotnik Sally's morals let them choose. The resulting choice leads to a massive social schism, war ensues. With no government left, society dissolves and life degenerates. Sally roams the wasteland with a guilty conscience, believing that her fear of becoming too much like Robotnik caused the world to fall apart. Had she used more aggressive and immoral means, then the world may still have been at peace.

Well, something along those lines.

The sense of irony would be profound.
alexwarlorn's avatar
If Sally had it over again, I wonder she'd be willing to resort to ';programming measures' this time around.