visque01's avatar
i am glad there are people as you out there to preserve such beauty.
Torkhelle's avatar
I do what I can... unfortunately it seems like a lost battle to those who want to preserve history... the authorities are the first wanting the destruction of the "inconvenient" patrimony to "modernize" the country, so we're fighting the system without any support... :(
visque01's avatar
ahhhh, but you must push the issue of preserving the past with these dead heads. we have the same here. its always how much money can they put into their pockets...
Torkhelle's avatar
Well, I speak based on what I know that's happening in archaeology, when an archaeologist is against the destruction of an archaeological station to build something, he's just immediately fired as it happened recently in at least two cases that I know, here in Portugal... so, archaeologists are starting to be afraid of express their opinions and just do what they don't want to do, but they're forced to... :(
visque01's avatar
that is sad... all political reaching for profits. why are they all the same? now you see why i rather have my life end now, too much have i seen such terrible people just waste and step onto others. too much wars and killings for no reasons... i am ashamed, for i was in a war and thought the same.
Torkhelle's avatar
I never imagined you were a veteran... now I understand a little better why you think that way, but anyway, you need to keep the head up as I said yesterday... never give up...
visque01's avatar
:) yeah, during the Viet Nam war i was in... too much sensless killing. for what, because politics and money...
Torkhelle's avatar
Yes, it was a stupid war... well... all wars are stupid but some are more justifiable than others and Vietnam doesn't have any justification... it was just a stupid confrontation between two political systems and with lots of money rolling in the background for both sides and lots of people suffering in between... :(
What a wasted time in all world...
At that time we were involved too in what we call Guerra Colonial (Colonial War) because our stubborn dictator didn't want to give freedom to our colonies in Africa... my father almost fought in that war, but he was saved by the coup of April 25 1974 that finally destroyed the dictatorship here in Portugal and gave the colonies their independence...
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