kyotoxo1's avatar
Naw, It's not much. I'll get them for ya. :D
Silent-Neutral's avatar
awwuhh..!;____; whoa-whoa ...if you do, I just hope the region will work on my ps2, but I think it might..not to mention I'll love you forEVAAHHH o_____o
kyotoxo1's avatar
First, I need to know which games you need. ^^
Silent-Neutral's avatar
djhfuidshcjdshncjnsd!!! :faint:
arghh I feel guilty saying, omg, overwhelming! :XD:;; but...gaaaah ;_; :heart: :cuddle: :hug:
dmc1...silent hill 3...JDSHVJDSHF nooo dw about it, you don't have to do this !___!
kyotoxo1's avatar
Haven't seen silent hill3 anywhere strangely, but I'll get you the DMC1. ^^ Sadly, no one buys the old DMC series...let's see. I'll buy it today. ^_^
Silent-Neutral's avatar
@___x you actually went and bo-- UWAH :hug: :heart: :hug: :heart: :hug: :heart: :hug: :heart: :hug:
aw..but at least they actually sell it there D': here, it's as if...oh, it doesn't exist anymore cos no one ever bought it in the first place!!!! fffff and people here call themselves gamers, pft >_>
and thankyou DDDDD':
kyotoxo1's avatar
now I needs your address. ^^; To ship it! :D You can note it to me. I dunno when I can get to the post tommorrow or monday.