FireAngelSgr's avatar
yeah, neither will I when he comes to life and comes to kill me with paper cuts. LOL just kidding, it's awesome
JonBeanHastings's avatar
Papercuts? It will drown you with mini-tiki drinks!
FireAngelSgr's avatar
le-gasp! YOU WOULDN'T!
JonBeanHastings's avatar
Mai-tai-n't I? (No need to tell me how painful that pun was, I know.)
FireAngelSgr's avatar
that was sheer pun-ishment, Bean... lol
JonBeanHastings's avatar
se a pun, go to prison... as they say.
FireAngelSgr's avatar
wow... if I wasn't so tired I would be more pun-ctual in making a retort.. however I feel as though I will be falling asleep at my alas you shall go unpunished.
JonBeanHastings's avatar
So, you're going to pun-t on this one, huh?
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