Shoka-koharu593's avatar
talos is just a man who did great things it doesnt make him a god he was just mortal that accomplished alot in his life time and nothing more and yes i highly support high elven supremacy but i also believe in in the time of raman cyrodill the Tsaesci akavir should have won the war for tamriel and then 1 of 3 things would have happened,

1. the Tsaesci would have ate everyone.

2. the Tsaesci and the ka po tung would have made them slaves and the tang mo would have helped the humans for a revolution that would have eventualy drove the Tsaesci and ka po tung back the akavir lands or the revolution would have eventualy made them all live in a some what harmony

4. by the forth era the mythic dawn would have summoned mehruins dagon and the world would have been conquered or alduin would have risen the dragons again but alduin would have failed since the Tsaesci not only eat humans but also eat dragons