merimask's avatar
Waaa! That is SO AWESOME. You know, I was at the second MST3K conventio-con thingy in Minneapolis in '96, and the coolest part of the whole thing was the tour of the Best Brains studio. I was so charmed by the clever way Trace and Joel had cobbled the sets together (little known fact that plastic junk and old toys glued to any surface and spraypainted gray will look like technical "space" gadgetry from a distance).

I think it is plain awesome that you rescued the old SOL, and even better that you restored her to her former nerdy glory. :) Kudos to you!!
M-Skirvin's avatar
Hee hee! I knew you'd like that! I first visited the studio back in '92. I was writing an article about the show and went there to get a press package. When we got there, we thought it was just offices, but we were shocked when Jann Johnson asked us if we wanted to see the sets. Of course we did! We met the whole crew then, and I took boatloads of pictures all around the sets. We even got drafted to help during filming of one of the host segments in the episode "Gamera". Nothing special, but it was great fun to see the guys in action real time. Later, Jeff Maynard let slip that he needed more of the Tuppeware sets that were part of Crow. Over the years, I provided 25 full sets of Floraliers to him. He nicknamed me the Tupperware Lady. In fact, the Bot Builder's Handbook is written in large part based on some early newsgroup articles I wrote regarding that trip and all the stuff I'd found out about the sets, the bots, and the parts used. Sadly, I never got credit. Boo hiss.

If anyone had told me back then that I would one day own the SOL, I would have fainted dead away. XDXD I still remember the crowded ride back home from Minneapolis when we picked it up.

But, we still communicate with Trace now and then, and he helped me restore the SOL by providing some of his own photos of the first build of the ship as reference. I couldn't have done it without his help!

We went to C. Titanic show just last month, and stayed for the dinner, and both shows. It was terrific. Best of all, Joel even remembered us from that first visit so long ago, and we got to hang with Trace for a little while. (We bought Trace's new poetry book also.) You will love it!

Some day, I'll scan those old pictures (twenty years ago! Damn!) and get them up for others to see.....