Steffel's avatar
Personally I think this is one of your best pictures.
The details in his face and especially in his hair make it really stand out. The lighting is also much better than in most of your previous pictures because you didn't forget about the lightsaber's glow on his arms.
Still, his right boot (from the viewer's persepctive) and leg should have more of a shadow from the cape on them.
stayka's avatar
Thank you! And yeah, I guess you are right about the shadow of the cape.

I really hope I will not botch the lighting in my next pic again - with the lightsaber I had a definite source of light and the new pic doesn't have a proper light source again -_-'
Steffel's avatar
Try and choose one point and make a light X or a dot on a seperate layer. Then just take that as your light source and make surfaces that face in that direction lighter. Pay attention to everything that would cast a shadow and in the end you can just erase the layer with your "light source".
stayka's avatar
Naw, that's not the problem - the problem in the SvB pics is that there is no fixed light source in a way as the floor is slightly luminescent and parts of the clothes, too. So it is basically mostly indirectly lighted and that is what get's me into trouble with where to put the shading.
Steffel's avatar
Yep, that's tricky.
Why did you ever come up with an evironment that makes proper light/shadow so hard?
stayka's avatar
Because it was written in the stories that way. ^^ I know how it is supposed to look, but I never spent much time on how I could draw it when I designed it. XD

I mean, Acy in her luminescent neon outfits always posed quite a problem when drawing her with traditional colours, too. Only with the GIMP I finally managed to show the colours as I envisioned them for her :D