RedRo's avatar
Ulrich cocked an eyebrow at that. "Vas it over past grievances or vas it over perceived favors from zhe guards?"
shadowfire-x's avatar
Fleischer gave a faint sigh, and shook his head slightly. "Most off die inmates had been reduced to animals... Zhey vould attack each ozzher ovah perceived slights, und snatch die rations right out off each ozzher's mouths... Off course, nicht many off die Soviet inmates cared foah zhose off us from Duetschland, foah obvious reasons..."
RedRo's avatar
Ulrich nodded his agreement, as he lite up a cigarette and took a deep breath before exhaling. "Still its amazing your managed to stay in vorking condition under such extremes for so long. From vhat my Russian clients vould tell me, I vas let to believe zhey simple vorked most of zhe German POW to death vithin zhe first few years in zhe gulag."

"As for your fellow prisoners," he sighed, holding his ciggarett, his other arm wrapped around his waist. "It doez not surprize, ve German's seem to do a very good job in ripping und taring at vhat vas left of each other after zhe var."
shadowfire-x's avatar
Fleischer wrinkled his nose slightly at the smell of the cigarette smoke, but made no mention of it. "I met my quotas... so I got full rations..." at least...until the very last few months... but that had hardly been HIS fault...

"It vasn't die ozzher Deutsch inmates I had to vorry about so much as die Soviet vuns..."
RedRo's avatar
"Russian Mafia und zhe criminal types? For surely all zhe dissidents und political prisoners zhere vould have left you alone?" he asked, ignoring the others obvious irritation of him smoking, though the blond was quite cute the way he wrinkled his nose like that.
shadowfire-x's avatar
"Anybody vas dangerous vunce zhey vhere hungry enough..." Fleischer said. Most of the inmates were eventually reduced to animals, caring only about their own most basic needs, and would strangle another in their sleep if it meant taking their food, or stealing another scrap of cloth to keep warm.
RedRo's avatar
Ulrich nodded his silent agreement, taking another long puff. "All do vhat zhey must to try und survive. Und for some zhat means lashing out at ozhers und embracing zhere darker natures."

He could only imagine what Fleischer had seen and experienced in the gulag, having only his own experiences after the war behind the wall. He had been forced to prostitute himself, relying on the protection that being the favored whore of a few Russian officers offered, but he had no doubt he probably would not have made it a week in the savage environment Fleischer had survived.