DenjinPrime's avatar
Ahhh I couldn't wait to put this one up, I thought you'd like it since it was techy haha!

Yeah, I was hoping I could get away without a shadow but since you mentioned it I guess I'm gonna need to put one in there, but every time I put one in it doesn't look right. :(

I'll work on it, thanks Adam!
dasAdam's avatar
white armor is alluring! im in love with such stuff! =)
im sure it will look right dude!
i could try to add one for you too =D
DenjinPrime's avatar
Yes! Show me what you would do, every time I add one in, it looks like they're on different heights. I admit I don't usually spend that much time on cast ground shadows. By the way I used your ambient occlusion lighting method, but I think I might have over done it, does it look too soft around the edges near the bottom?
dasAdam's avatar
ah you mean the LIGHTWRAPPING! :D yeah you can tone it done a bit! the more subtle it gets the more realistic =) and be cautious to add the lightwrapping only onto the character and not as a glow outline on the background as well!
natetheartist's avatar
I prefer it without the shadow. It's nice to finally see a character that isn't grounded to an empty background.
It also gives the illusion that, if anything, he's standing on an illuminated surface.
dasAdam's avatar
funny thing. i mostly spot floating characters who apparently all stand on illuminated surfaces then xD
DenjinPrime's avatar
Thanks for the defending Nate, but I agree with Adam. If the ground were as illuminated as I'm inferring, then the dark lines around his feet wouldn't be visible, or at least rendered differently. The character as a whole would need to be rendered differently as well, as it would be less of a subtle cast and more of a direct light source I think.
dasAdam's avatar
leave us alone! this is our BITCH SLAP fight haha xD

whatever you do is just fine. i didnt want to sound harsh and force you to add a shadow ^^;