Ash-Twilight's avatar
As one who fought those puzzles sober I can total see how your drunken logic would get frustrating.
chibipandora's avatar
In fairness, I did get "Still Alive" and play through all the advance levels sober. But its not quite as rewarding as, "I'm just going to jump of here and weeeeeeee... oh it worked."
Ash-Twilight's avatar
That game is amazing. I have yet to play myself put am an avid game watcher, and my friend(who plays Assassin Creed)and I agree that's one of the freakier games to fall to your death in.
chibipandora's avatar
It is for sure. Assassin's Creed you can really see it coming and its never quite as jarring in 3rd person as it is really watching the ground suddenly come at you. Though Fallout 3, if you have or know anyone who has played that, jumping from the top of Ten Penny Tower I would vote as the freakiest.
Ash-Twilight's avatar
Nope haven't had a friend per say play it, though one friend's nephew does. The friend is in her twenties and has a large age gap and young baby daddy syndrome brother, so the kid's less like a nephew more like a sibling or cousin which makes the poor boy open season for teasin.The fall out series is right up his alley being a first person shoot em' game. Though latly the poor boys been stuck on WoW.
chibipandora's avatar
lol, WoW is mighty addictive.
Ash-Twilight's avatar
Indeed. I've only played using friends accounts but I'm pretty sure if I downloaded it to my little computer, my grades would fall harder then a harpy against a hunter.