StreaksPsyche's avatar
FoxLuver1235's avatar
u have Portals too?
StreaksPsyche's avatar
What are Portals?
FoxLuver1235's avatar
Its a game and seeing ur motto is "the cake is a lie" i thought u knew lol-yeah its a game
StreaksPsyche's avatar
Oh! AGH! I can't believe I didn't get what you meant the first time! Yes, yes I have Portal (The Orange Box, actually) and I have finished it. It was an outstanding and engaging experience, with a comedic flourish at the end.
FoxLuver1235's avatar
lol yep ive beat the game 7 times rofl
StreaksPsyche's avatar
7 Times???

On different difficulties I suppose?
FoxLuver1235's avatar
yep though i forget how many different ones there are