shuui's avatar
What another Su-san!! There's only 1 here. *bats eyelashes at you* I'm just a fangirlll~~~ *A*
piyo2himi's avatar
Butbutbut u were Su-san toooo. *bats eyelash back at you* Not gonna cos him again? T__T I wannar see your 59 IRL too HURHURHUR
shuui's avatar
Er....;;;; I'm not sure whether Su-san will make appearance anymore. HAH! And for 59, I think everybody (including me) is sick of seeing me in 59 liao lah XD;;;;

I haven't seen you for a reaaaaaalllyyy long time though! :D Hope to see you soon~ Whether event/shoot/or whatever. ;D
piyo2himi's avatar
I'll be going for events coming up! Actually doing Nordics (出家/ ポーランド戦争)version with the saru and my fin-chan at streetfest so see you if you're going? *(A)*
shuui's avatar
Streetfest maybe not. @_@ Hahahaha!! But Cosfest definitely :D Looking forward to more APH awesomeness from you. *A*