Comment on Beldum Report by Mutitus

Dinomatrix21's avatar
But where did they come from?
Mutitus's avatar
Earth, of course.  Contrary to popular belief, the members of the Beldum family are not robots.  They are natural life-forms, just like the two of us.
Dinomatrix21's avatar
Yeah, but why is it so robot is what I meant. It is so confusing.
Mutitus's avatar
The definition of what life is something one that no scientist in their right mind could properly define.  It can be extremely confusing, but life comes in forms more bizarre than most would ever suspect; heck, just look at creatures like Deoxys and Kyurem.
Dinomatrix21's avatar
Kyurem- the living shell of two combined sides of a dragon split into their own thing.
Deoxys- An alien virus mutated by lasers.

Also, I'm not defining life, I just wanna know where it came from! /- M -\
Mutitus's avatar

Technically, Deoxys mutate upon being exposed to water vapor in the planet's atmosphere, but otherwise correct.

We really don't know where they came from in terms of genetic relationships; whatever they are, they are the last of their kind.

Dinomatrix21's avatar
Where did you get the wator vapor thing from? I've never heard that before.
Mutitus's avatar

Simple logic.  Liquid water is a surprisingly scarce commodity as far as we know it in the galaxy, so if life exists elsewhere without liquid water, it's possible that an alien virus could end up changing or otherwise mutating like Deoxys when exposed to it.  Liquid water just happens to be the one thing that Earth has that is seriously lacking in a stable form elsewhere within our view of the universe, limited as it may be by today's technology.

When answers are missing from available data, sometimes you just have to look at things as realistically as possible to garner a sensible answer.

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