fuckshiru's avatar
If they did it to remove religion, then they did for secular atheism. This argument was already debunked by Encyclopaedia Dramtica
CutestSith's avatar
As someone who edits ED why the fuck are you using is it as "your source?" I mean I know its a funny site but ts not exactly where one wants to get their arguments from. 
fuckshiru's avatar
I'm not saying it's my source, I'm saying that ED debunked that argument in atheism page.
CutestSith's avatar
And therefore you are using it as your source :\ . You do see your logic right? I mean I could pull up the Islam or Christian page on ED and just show you the exact opposite 
fuckshiru's avatar
That's irrelevant though, because I not saying that to those people haven't did anything wrong.
CutestSith's avatar
Ok. Let me try to entertain this and perhaps you can see where I am coming from. You see we live in a society where shit like this www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYaJji…. Yeah this creeps me out for when these children say they are the soldiers of Christ it reminds me of shit like the Taliban who fight for Mo-Mo. Also places like Iran and Arabia could actually use something like this where non-Muslims are viewed as inferior. 

Basically so you know where I am coming from, I'm tired of religion claiming its oppressed when its done most of the oppressing. Like how everything making a jab at Islam is Islamophobic or Christians thinking they are so oppressed in America. Its just getting annoying and to me it feels like OP may be one of those "oppressed Christians in Merica" types. I can't help but feel she might would be ok with a theocracy as long as its her theocracy. I had a similar conversation on the site loonwatch in which they claimed that America is inherently Islamophobic and hateful towards Muslims. I debunked their shit only to have loons (ironic no) claim shit like that Islam is peace, and that Islam is always good, and that Islam treated other religions nice under its rule, and that secularism is evil, etc. Basically secularism is what allows these guys to practice their faith and say shit like the above, and I feel they take it for granted at times. So now you at least know where I am coming from. 

As for the others some of them have a reason. Let me take a few for example. For Naopleaon it would not matter if he was Christian, Jews, Islam, or nothing for his reasons were not religious. He just wanted to build an Empire but that was not founded on being reliogus or not. 

Now lets take something that would be ironic for Americans. OP interestingly said in a different comment and I think another stamp that she does not believe Islam is a religion of peace. I agree with her there but disagree that hers is any better since the core foundations of Islam come from the Bible and old testament as well. However what is funny is that some of those regimes she mentions fought Islamic extremists, just like America is doing nowadays. For example there were Muslim Chechens in Russia who committed terrorist attacks and wanted to create a separate Islamic state ( once again another religiously motivated attack) . Today they still cause problems with one example being the time they held a Russian Kindergarten hostage.

In China there were and still are Islamic extremists too called the Uligars (spelled wrong most likely) . China committed a total crack down on these extremists and wiped the floor with them as they should. There's a reason Mao thought religion was a poison. So I guess I'm also a little cynical since OP would be ok with say a Christian theocracy or "Christian values" being implemented but then turns around and would whine about secularism and Islam when secularism also helped to fight off the Islamists she does not like. 

If you want to discuss if they did anything wrong or not that is a different matter and also dependent on your morality since a villain to one may be a hero to another. However in some of these cases they were "struck first" as it were. America should know that after it saw the ugly face of religion on 9/11.
XxPristineFlipperxX's avatar
"I'm tired of religion claiming its oppressed when its done most of the oppressing" that doesn't make it justifiable to bully the sane followers. Also fav.me/d99d5hm