elfgrove's avatar
Don't do it. It's creepy having them sit there afterward. ;)
Rathdrgnknight's avatar
LOL. I like having my Ahiru wig sit there. It's bright pink, so maybe that's why it doesn't creep me out. Now my Hinata wig with the Guy Fawkes mask over it... that nearly gave me a heart attack one night.
elfgrove's avatar
Well. I've got quite a few wigs myself. Never bugs me. It's the 5 identical wigs all lined up that makes it creepy.
Rathdrgnknight's avatar
It wasn't the wig that scared me, it was the combination of a black wig and a V for Vendetta mask that made me think I was going to die. Good thing it was on a colorful Piñata to keep me from flipping too much. XD The mask is now hidden in a drawer, as I never want to freak out like that again.
elfgrove's avatar
Haha. I never saw V for Vendetta, so I don't really get the entire scary thing.

I associate those masks entirely with the Anti-Scientology movement--which just goes to such extremes that the sight of that mask makes me want to hit the person wearing it. (I don't like or agree with Scientology, but Anonymous takes matter farther than the bible-thumpers in intolerant religious bigotry.) [/rant]

Sounds like the drawer was a good solution.
Rathdrgnknight's avatar
Ah. I only have mine because of the movie. If you ever get the chance, you should see it. Mostly because of how awesome the action scenes and "big reveal" scenes are. But the mask in general is creeepy.