Pyrosity's avatar
This is another design I'd like to revisit and revise. As I mentioned in my comment on the walkers, I've done a big overhaul of Epiverse (now known as "Epicho) and some aspects of the older stuff doesn't fit anymore. For example, these designs originally featured electrically charged armor plating and hybrid cannons incorporating a plasma-wrapped projectile - Quite futuristic for a cold war setting in any case!

My plan with these is to re-imagine them in the original context they occupied; these are tanks created under design specifications that require them to be able to fit in the small, narrow tunnels of the inter-continental subway system. The crew would be small; likely three but no more than four. The crew would also conform to strict height limitations.

There is one more recent (albeit rough) drawing of the AV-1; [link] it will likely look similar to this.
Dragon-Paragon's avatar
Oh, nice! Yeah walkers really are a tad anachronistic, assuming they're in the same time frame as everything else. Frankly, I'd just assumed they were placed in Epico's future! xD They are rather nice designs for walkers. Will they have a place in Epico at all?