Comment on MineSweeper by matsch-klon

41namsdrawkcab's avatar
Really, really fantastic work
Thanks. :) Try looking for mistakes.
41namsdrawkcab's avatar
if you're interested, I did find a couple.
In the third row from the bottom, ninth space from the right side, the number has to be a two since the space to the left of it has to be a mine.
Also, in the second row from the top, tenth spot from the right, that number has to be two. If you look at it, the spaces to the up-right and up-left both have to be mines.
Finally, there are two fives in the center text image that only have four bordering spaces.

It really is an amazing work of art, but I suppose you know that :w00t:
It is typical of my way to produce visual art: I don't have any original talent. All I have is very basic ideas, but I can only put them into practice if it is really easy to do. Placing some dots on a XGA plane, calculating (not even correctly) the according numbers after a game that I know very well and copying and pasting together the visuals is merely tedious, repetitive work, it requirse neither talent nor creative energy.

It is honestly just a work of boredom. It still worked out pretty cool.

Now musc, thats an area I can show you a lot of things in. :)