yamineco's avatar
setuju.. ||OTL

<- korban link shock-site -_-
Prafa-AR's avatar

<-Korban internet urban words... >.<
yamineco's avatar
sejujurnya aku juga ga tau istilah pastinya apa untuk situs2 begitu.. merasa pernah denger orang pake istilah shock-site, jadilah kupakai.. ^^;
Prafa-AR's avatar
Heehe, iya juga yah...
Yinsho's avatar
Korban link shock-site? .3.
yamineco's avatar
situs2 yang bikin orang penasaran, tiba2 nampilin gambar2 serem plus suara kenceng banget.. -_-

dulu sering kena..
Yinsho's avatar
o.o English please?
yamineco's avatar
sites that designed to make people curious, but then suddenly displayed shocking images, often accompanied with loud voices..
Yinsho's avatar
Oh. :U
I know, but I was wondering if he was saying the name of a specific site. .3.