MagmaTung's avatar
I wonder if a 1600x1200 wall with multi color can be made just for kicks.
randomize the blinks and color changes throughout.
would be awesome to light up a desktop with these.
Also maybe be able to resize the dots.

Awesome mod, love it.
VClouds's avatar
Not sure I understand, but thanks!
MagmaTung's avatar
I am horrid at explaining things,
Basically, instead of a binary clock, how about just filling the screen
in different ways with these and have them all over the screen at random.

Sorta like what you have in the screen shot above, but instead of a binary clock,
which shows the pattern exactly/repeated the same, make a new one
that is not an actual clock.
And people can put them any where they want on the screen and flip them in any direction.
so they can light up their desktop with these

omg that was a long explanation...hehe sorry