MonkeeMobile's avatar
Thanks =D My mom is freaking out about it because it's not sugar free gum but I still like it :)
Michael-Blessing's avatar
Sugar free gum has a funny after taste. It bugs me that they're making it harder to find just plain gum with sugar in it. I mean, as much as you can be bugged about that kind of silly stuff...
MonkeeMobile's avatar
Thats very true - It is getting harder to buy gum with sugar. Lots of people are looking to be healthy and 'sugar free' in their gum choices I guess :shrug:
Blue-Eyed-Hippie-63's avatar
I don't chew sugar free gum... it's not good for you! (it might be good for your teeth, but not for the rest of your body!) but yes, the gum is good. :)
MonkeeMobile's avatar
Huh, I've never heard that sugar free gum is bad for you! Thanks for the info! I'm glad you're watching my back, or should I say my mouth?
^Sorry for the awkwardness of that last sentence.
Blue-Eyed-Hippie-63's avatar
yep! :) the bad stuff is all the chemicals in it. (sugar free gum is filled with 'em!)