Comment on Envy by crimson-ivory

Zemperta's avatar
Wait...."Print available" Does that mean I could buy this? Sweet. I might just do that if I get some money. I would sell prints of my work...but my work is just poetry, so I don't think that would work. Heh, I said "Work" a lot.
crimson-ivory's avatar
Yep, it's available as a print :) I have a few others, too, but some of them are a little messy and I still need to work out the kinks. You can always make stuff to go along with the poems :)
Zemperta's avatar
The stuff that goes with my poems is inside my head. And trust me, nobody wants to see what goes on up there. The most I can hope for is to some day publish a book of poetry. Not that anyone would pay money for that.
crimson-ivory's avatar
Eh, no harm in trying and people do buy poetry books :)
Zemperta's avatar
Well, I may try one day. I'll let you know if that happens. And good luck with this print thing.