forte805's avatar
it has different shades of gray on the ship profiles -_-
AStepIntoOblivion's avatar
Heh ;P this were the rules:

The six views should be clean, uncolored line drawings / illustrations / schematics of the exterior hull of the starship. Entrant may include a fully shaded / colored view (a seventh view) of the starship in the entry as well.

It is very vague on the shading part. In fact the rules say nothing about not shading the orthos. All it says is clean and uncolored and it didn't even require line drawings. I stuck to that. I purposely didn't shade it fully (notice how the shadows on the orthos are bandy, it's to show off rounded shapes which otherwise can not ever be shown by lines alone).

TalentlessBoy was a witness to us asking questions regarding these. And receiving answers that were vague but hinted that shading was allowed as long as it was understandable to modelers. As well as assure us that names on the entries were alright (and now they remove the LA BC from the semis for the reason that it had the artist's name on it).

On this screenshot: [link]
And on this page: [link]

Anyway, don't care anymore. ;P Thanks anyway.
Stunning amazingness.

DA-jury should burn in hell.