Bright-BlueEyes's avatar
well this caught my attention :D (Big Grin)

honestlyim not picking favorites when i say 
Toph is gonna kick her ass...

i have seen the comments and i have to agree...
if toph can sense the levitated earth she will win...
but i honestly think she can... because being the big avatard  i am i have seen many episodes where rock is THROWN at toph and she happenes to catch it with her fists, she has more self controll and willpower when it comes to fighting... and because of her  blindess her smell and her HEARING is hightened... she could easily HEAR terra throwing rocks at her, because of the force in wind she throws. Terra can levitate rock.. toph can freaking earthbend the whole damn ground..she can feel the earth in any material that happens to have it, terra has NO self controll or self confidence by that,  she could easily loose focus in battle, and thus is beaten. Terra truthfully isnt a real earthbender, sure she can levitate rocks but she LEVITATES them. toph is an authentic earthbender. who has a CONNECTION with earth, and even if terra were to levitate toph can predict it ( as shown in the blind bandit) she would feel the vibrations in the rock rising, and she would be able to beat terra down right when she levitates, Toph earthbends the whole fucking earth surface and Terra only LEVITATES rock.. 
simple as that 

Toph wins :iconevilgrinplz:
shadowninja287's avatar

Still you have to admit the fact Terra can fly on her rocks does give her SOME advantage over Toph. Toph can't fly with earthbending so that's one thing Terra has an advantage in.