Comment on Fist Bump by GoberSA

SpinosaurusDinosaur's avatar
Heh thats pretty cool. I read up a bit of the NG. Whats it "exactly" like?
Alexander-Brandt's avatar
The National Guard is a state-funded branch of the United States Army, as opposed to the Army Reserve, which is funded at the federal level. While technically imagined as the more stateside division of the military, the National Guard has been deployed overseas many times since their inception. At the peak of troop deployment during the Iraq War, 40% of American troops were National Guard.

In contrast to active duty soldiers, the National Guard is more like a part-time job for those enlisted. They train one weekend a month, along with a two week long period of training each year, and go active duty only when called on to do so. This often earns them the monicker of "Weekend Warriors".
Alexander-Brandt's avatar
The other big difference is that National Guard don't get to keep their uniform once they're honorably discharged, while active duty soldiers of every branch do.
SpinosaurusDinosaur's avatar
Ah, thats interesting.