DeathByMarshmallows's avatar
Awesome! I had seen the sketch of this one in your gallery before and the colors you use really set the mood :) Great job!

What program do you use to color? Because if it's one like Photoshop or that uses layers, mist can be kinda easy to render. It's all opacity settings and playing with the blending :D
Shinku-Ame's avatar
Aw, thanks. Simple, simple color. It really does make some difference XD.

I use Coral Painter 4(damn, old, old program) only 'cuz I got it for free but all I really use on it are the pencil and eraser-the layers help me a great deal. I need to learn Photoshop XD, I've been too lazy to try to learn it. I figured out how to do a passable mist after the drawing was done so I may put that up later, I have to think on which looks better. Urgh, I hate the blending tool sometimes 'cuz its just not as good as really doing by hand without a computer.