Darksamu's avatar
If this was my sole job, I'd consider it. Unfortunately, the whole process was very time-consuming and it would be difficult to find just the right pieces again since most of them were happy finds at garage sales. I do kind of want to make a Pimp-Boy 3 Million, however. Maybe if I streamline the process more, I could do multiple...

However, I definitely encourage you to try it yourself! It was a super fun learning process. :)
soul-reaper-z's avatar
PIP-BOY not PIMP-BOY...or did you say that on purpose?
Darksamu's avatar
Nope, I definitely meant Pimp-Boy. I'm not sure if you have played New Vegas yet, but you can get a different version of the Pip-Boy that's golden and has some jewels, hence the name. It's pretty sweet.
soul-reaper-z's avatar