Regulus36's avatar
That's OK with me, if you're taking a bit of artistic license :) It's just that i see a lot of people doing that, and I have my suspicions that most don't realize it's impossible.

IMO there is no problem with realism and art mixing together (many of the best space artists -Bonestell, Garlick, Bergeron, Dixon to name a few- are very realistic).... to me there is nothing wrong with including a planet and nebula in the same image as long as the planet is realistically lit by a star (which doesn't have to be on screen either)

Anyway I apologize if my rant came off as negative or anything like that :D just had to get that off my chest, keep up the great work :thumbsup:
aRchAng3lZz's avatar
Yes, of course there is no problem with mixing art and realism but it just doesn't fit well into my head. I rarely like pieces like those. That is why I paint whatever my imagination brings into my head. I understand your need to get that off your chest and it didn't came negative.