ChibiEdo's avatar
I'm not sure if we somehow are misunderstanding each other or something like that. I'm not exactly sure what you actually did but I'm still pretty sure that some things are impossible to get right without changing the xml just because of the way the things are actually defined in it.
I'm not sure what exactly you do when you 'line it up'. Line it up compared to what? Having to draw in 128x128 at first does sound limited though.
I also don't know if you know anything about xml and anchor points or not. So I also don't know if you understand what I'm talking about. It's a bit confusing for me.
I don't really want to bug you or anything so if you don't want to reply anymore that's ok.
scenikeight's avatar
The only thing I change in the .xml is the name of some actions, which is pretty much irrelevant.
I believe the image anchor is based around ratio rather than the actual canvas size which means editing size isn't based strictly on what it says in the file.
By "line it up", I mean, I drew a part of the shimeji I wanted in a certain place (mostly the head in this case) and saved that. I then made a new file with a bigger canvas and copied the old head onto that one (I use SAI so it pasted into the same place it was on the other one) and then drew around it to make the rest of the shimeji. Because the head (and therefore the rest of the shimeji) was in line with the other files, it fitted in just as a 128x128 canvas would have.
I understand the .xml and anchor points and that sort of thing, I know what you mean.
ChibiEdo's avatar
oh if it would be based on ratio and not actual size that would put a whole different light on this of course. I think I should check this out sometime but not doing anything shimeji related right now so don't know when.
Thanks for explaining ^_^ In case I'll try something I might get back to this comment and tell you my findings but don't be surprised if it's like..months or if I forget completely xD
scenikeight's avatar
Okay :3 And no problem.