Yeeccchhh... Lovecraft. love the art man, but... His stuff needed Ol' man Henderson when he was writing em.

The man, talented though some think he was, was a strange, wretched little man. What people seem to not grasp is that when they read his stuff, they're seeing the world through the eyes of a sick delusional soul. Because he couldn't understand the world, he despised it and all within. He spent his days in his box and took spear thrusts at all and sundry because his rigid little mind couldn't wrap around things like the theory of relativity.

He was an outright racist (see his work The Negro) God and religious person despising nebish to boot. He was afraid of literally everything as well. Fat people, the cold, anyone who wasn't white, (his works on half fish people, for example, was based from his fear of the "Races" mixing) New York, doctors, disease, sea food, the list goes on.

He was a man to be pitied, but sadly a man beyond help