hiryurhys's avatar
That was definitely a thought in process - but as anyone I was too damn tired to continue last night so here is what I have so far. Yes there are alot of changes I will still be making to the line art till I am completely satisfied. I was trying to originally go for a hybrid look to give a draconic feel - however your suggestion for the hands is definitely a possibility for talons. Now for skills you guessed what I had already was thinking this morning - our R skill will be called 'Draconic Polymorph' which will allow her to change between her human and dragon form.
Now the dragon forms skills will all consist of different types of breath attacks & do different types of effects. Her human form will have an AoE fear, a leap attack, & Talon Strike. Still in the development stage so as always I am willing to take suggestions & what not as usual. I will post a more detailed explaination of the skills, base stats, & whatnot tonight after work :D