Comment on BarEnder by DukeStewart

Suka-chan13's avatar
The perspective is a little odd around the head in prapotion to the body and the broken bottle, but I'm still not too good with my own pespective so it really dosen't matter. On the other hand the perspective on the rest of the body looks great.
The shading on the eyes however dosen't seem like your usual styl, were you trying something new? It dosen't look baad or anything it just dose'nt look like what you usually do
DukeStewart's avatar
hm. I guess it is a bit different. Didn't really notice :D'
Suka-chan13's avatar
Well, like I said. Its not a bad change. And it looks only slightly diferent from how you useualy shade them. But it may just be me. I notice the oddest things mabout peoples art