BUSHNAK's avatar
Honestly I don't care either way. I personally don't have an issue with protesting unless it gets violent. Both sides have fair points to why it is or isn't wrong.
TakuraLion's avatar
True that. I just find it annoying that literally EVERYTHING has gotten political. It was cool at first because more and more people were becoming aware but now....omg its annoying as fuck.
I still stand by my beliefs regardless of what people say or think about me. And I think everyone should be like that. Be proud of what you support or believe in, and don't take shit from anyone that tries to tell you you can believe or support that.
And yeah I'm all for peaceful protesting. What I hate, are violent ones. It's a main reason why I HATE Antifa with a passion. They can do their silly lame chanting and walk down the streets as they chant all they want. But the second they throw a punch or hit someone over the head with a bike lock, they've taken it to far. It also pisses me off when I see these extreme left people attacking Trump supporters.....just because they voted for the guy. Its ridiculous.  the same goes for the extreme violent folk on the right as well. The second you throw a punch if its not in self defense, you kinda lose your argument.