Ash-3xpired's avatar
Yup , my pc is a mess . that's why I don't find the stocks haha XD
dreamlikeuniverse's avatar
same problem here:)) i keep wanting to clean and order everything but when i see over 150 giga.. i don;t know.. kinda cutts my desire:))
Ash-3xpired's avatar
I'm feeling very lazy to clean :D
dreamlikeuniverse's avatar
oh,and i thought only my laptop is a huge mess.. :D
Ash-3xpired's avatar
that makes two of us haha , we should make a deal to clean it up someday :P
dreamlikeuniverse's avatar
yeah! we need a dead-line! :D and some kind of reward:))
Ash-3xpired's avatar
Haha yes , I tell the deadline you get the reward haha XDDD