Comment on Lifeforms by Vindrea

Postmorteum's avatar
Could you link me some of those "cosmic ambient tracks?" :0
Vindrea's avatar
'Refraction 1.33" by Carbon Based Lifeforms [link] (it inspired me a lot when I was creating this work)
and some other ambient tracks that I listen when I'm creating my works

search for those artists on youtube, all of their tracks are amazing (:
Postmorteum's avatar
I liked "Atlantis Child" the best from those.

So calming. You probably don't feel the time it takes to create your pieces when listening to that music. How long does it usually take you by the way?

And thanks so much. :heart:
Vindrea's avatar
you're welcome :heart:
I usually take long brakes when I'm doing my art. I start a new piece one day, and finish it like few days after.. But I guess it should be up to few hours for a fast, rough work, and up to 10 or more for a detailed one (: but with all the brakes that I take, it doesn't feel that long.
Also, music indeed helps to not put attention to time.
Postmorteum's avatar
I like that "it doesn't feel that long" that means you enjoy every second of it and it doesn't become laborious.
Also that you take long brakes, that's a very good habit. It clears your mind and gives the piece your continuing on always a fresh eye.