Comment on SPR-661 by VeXeDZERO

Dishdog2's avatar
MMMMMM Masterkey
VeXeDZERO's avatar
Love masterkeys aye haha, kinda silly if they have an Assault rifle on top of them, but maaan they look awesome haha
Dishdog2's avatar
eh I don't think they look any sillier than a nube tube.
VeXeDZERO's avatar
haha, Tubes have more use than the masterkey though I think xD
Dishdog2's avatar
eh depends on the battlefield. In a building, masterkey, out in the open, tuber
VeXeDZERO's avatar
Outside the building, Tuber lol. I dunnom I think the Tuber is more versatile, Masterkey just adds baddassery.
Dishdog2's avatar
Damn straight it does